Jury Service
How are jurors selected?
How can I be excused from jury service?
Can I be permanently removed from jury service?
How much will I be paid for jury service?
What is the number to call for juror instructions?
I've received a jury summons for US District Court. Can I be excused?
- All registered voters who are over the age of 21, have not been convicted of a felony crime, and have not been permanently excused from jury service are eligible to be a juror. Juries are pulled four times a year (February, May, August, and November) for each court term.
How can I be excused from jury service?
- ONLY A CIRCUIT JUDGE MAY EXCUSE A PERSON FROM JURY SERVICE. Persons over 65 years of age may be excused from jury service by calling our office. Persons needing to be excused for medical reasons should provide the court with a note from his/her physician stating they are unable to serve. Full-time students and people who work out of town (staying away from home overnight, i.e. construction or oilfield workers or truck drivers) may also sign affidavits and request to be excused; however, this excuse is not automatic. There may be other circumstances for jury exemption, but those must be presented to the court for the judge to rule on in open court. Please contact the clerk's office for more information.
Can I be permanently removed from jury service?
- Only persons over the age of 65 or persons of any age with a PERMANENT disability (a physician's note must be provided) can be permanently excused as jurors upon receipt of a signed affidavit.
How much will I be paid for jury service?
- Jurors are paid $25/day for jury service and the state mileage rate for mileage outside the county seat.
What is the number to call for juror instructions?
- Jurors must call (601) 394-6331 on Friday before the Monday report date for further instructions.
I've received a jury summons for US District Court. Can I be excused?
- Federal jury summons cannot be handled by the local circuit clerk. You must contact the jury clerk listed on your summons. If you need assistance contacting the federal court, give us a call at (601) 394-2379.